Concrete Floors
Decorative Concrete Panels
Flexible Concrete Panels
Fitters, Architecte, Designer...
Design and manufacture of design furniture in concrete, without having to resort to lengthy and specific techniques.
Creating concrete furniture which is lightweight, flexible, easy to move and combine with the look of the concrete material.
Associate with Roxiwall, Roxiflex allow you to build tables, furniture for kitchen etc..
A concrete ready to install. Roxiflex bring you simplicity during implementation.
Trowel concrete 7043 | Trowel concrete 7047 | Desactivated concrete 7043 | Desactivated concrete 7047 |
Gravel Concrete 7043 | Black Waxed Concrete HDF Hydro M1 M2 (1) |
Black Waxed Concrete HDF Hydro M1 M2 (2) |
Chocolate Waxed Concrete HDF Hydro M1 M2 |
2013 | Roxipan - Groupe Vetisol France
Panneau beton | Concrete panel | Paneles de hormigon
| Pavimenti Lastre